
Squeegees (Download)

Squeegees What is a Squeegee Flat, smooth rubber bladed tool Some have a foam sponge adjacent to the blade Has been used in many ways Patented for window cleaning in 1936 Used to control water flow Squeegee Uses Originally used to clean boat decks Used on horses Used in photography and t-shirt printing Commonly found at gas service stations Most common use: window cleaning Window Cleaning A cleaning solution with water is applied to the window The Squeegee’s rubber blade is then used to remove excess liquid from the window Removal of water prevents water marks from forming Various Squeegees Product Details Rubber blade Handle: wood, plastic, or metal Foam Sponge Grip: rubber or plastic Safety Concerns Handle: non-metallic material safest to minimize injury Most concerns involve surrounding environment, not squeegee itself Like any blunt object, squeegees have been used as weapons Safety Concerns Working at elevation is the main concern when cleaning high-rise windows Grated standing surface should be used to prevent pooling of cleaning product Pooling could be a slipping hazard Squeegee Applications Safety Facts When using squeegees to clean windows, gloves and eye protection must be worn No fatalities caused by squeegees have been investigated by OSHA When used on high-rises, fall protection is the main concern Think Safety Work Safely

Posted in Construction Safety.